By adminq

She gave me a look. "How did you heal her?"

"I … I net spirit mantra …" I swallowed "why? Something is wrong? " After thinking about it, I thought, "Is this ok?" "What’s the matter?" The teacher elder sister asked "The girl’s body and…

By adminq

Shen Mengyao was frightened to disgrace. From then on, the original Shen Menglu stole out of the house because of her broken heart. After listening to Cai Zhong, she realized that the elder sister had deliberately left. Her root was that she didn’t want to leave Shenyang as a big miss.

Later, at the beginning of the incarnation, Dai Chu Dai ‘an sent Shen Menglu, believing that other people in Shenyang were relieved, but Shen Mengyao still didn’t trust to know that Chu Dai ‘an was…

By adminq

Zhao touts nodded yes, of course.

It was just after midnight when Yan Chixia came back. Chen Yanshi’s room is set with dining tables. "Master Yan, you came back so soon because of your high efficiency." Arihiko said to Yan Chixia…

By adminq

Are you ready to settle old scores with her?

Shit, shit! She just realized the importance of sound and sound to the nobles. It is not enough for her to die a hundred times! "I’m not going." Jue sat on the bed with fear…