If it is easy to get rid of the emperor and then take the opportunity to ascend the throne or help the new throne to fight in the name of the Qing dynasty, there will definitely be a few rebels
It will be chaotic by then.
Although the day is fun, he doesn’t want to see the chaos caused by himself and make those koo people suffer
With the progress of literature, heaven can test all beings by disaster, but there is no need to suffer. Heaven doesn’t like it.
He kept the emperor just to show his fist so that those who want to be honest with the monarch can take care of it.
After receiving the affirmative response from Heaven, Bai Mudan looked at Heaven curiously and asked, "Adoptive father, why do you want me to be the emperor?"
"You will know in the future." Tianxiao sold one to Bai Mudan.
What will make Bai Mudan emperor after she rebelled during the day?
Many officials believe that Heaven wants to whitewash himself by borrowing Bai Mudan’s name and then let Bai Mudan Zen take his place.
And Bai Mudan is a tool man controlled by heaven.
After all, the name of Prime Minister Wang, who is incarnated by Heaven, is really bad.
If he becomes emperor directly, I’m afraid no one will.
God doesn’t care about these smells. He is quietly waiting for the emperor to shoot.
In the palace, the emperor sent royal assassination troops to assassinate Tianhou and went straight to the royal ancestral temple.
Generally, I can’t escape the assassination of the royal family.
However, even the imperial army was bought by the emperor unconsciously. I dare not look down upon him and send someone to assassinate Tianhou. I still feel that I should invite the real information of the royal family.
This world is the most noble force in the mythical world, and it is naturally not simple.
The royal family also has a backer in heaven.
It is not difficult for the emperor to ask a few immortals to help at the critical moment.
Even the royal family had ancestors who were immortals in heaven.
When the emperor came to the ancestral temple, he lit it and asked Shenxiang to communicate that he was an immortal ancestor in heaven.
Fragrant fragrance and fragrant incense lit a immortal Taoist to appear in the smoke.
When the emperor saw the Taoist priest, he immediately knelt down and pleaded.
"Ancestors, treacherous court officials are now in power and intend to usurp the throne. Please, ancestors, my Lord!"
Before, after all, he is his own ancestor. Is he afraid to call himself me again?
The Taoist sighed lightly, "Why are you stared at by him? Does it mean that my vitality will be exhausted?"
The incarnation of Prime Minister Wang did not deliberately hide his identity. The immortals knew that he was actually a heavenly leader. How could those immortals not know that?
Now all the gods who walk in the world walk around when they pass by the Prime Minister’s House.
Everyone knows that the leader of Tongtian is an evil heresy, and this evil heresy is too old and the jade emperor has fought for the hegemony of the three realms.
If this evil spirit is not impatient, even a fairy is unwilling to provoke it.
If it weren’t for the original chess difference, it might be this one now.
And even if it’s not now, maybe in the future.
Although most of the immortals admit that heaven is an evil spirit, they are willing to sell it to heaven in secret.
After the emperor heard the road flyover sigh, his heart suddenly hitched and asked quickly
"Is it true that the ancestor, the Prime Minister Wang, came from such Dalian that you can’t afford to provoke him?"
The Taoist priest took a meaningful look at the emperor. "He is more important than you think."
"Even if you ask all over the sky, no deities will intervene in this matter."
"And the replacement of dynasties is days."
Chapter 40 Heaven listens to the self and the people listen to the emperor and seal the gods.
In the emperor’s mind, Prime Minister Wang is the one who keeps a dog, and he will bite whoever he asks to bite.
After all, Prime Minister Wang’s heaven is his foundation.
He didn’t expect that he would be attacked by himself now and he couldn’t stand each other.