You feel that your skin is being pulled and you have a short-lived cutting sensation. That’s a biologist sampling your infected shoulder. From a distance, you vaguely perceive a pair of hands searching. The biologist touched your coat pocket. She found your diary, your hidden gun and your sad letter. What would she think when she saw these? Maybe there is no idea at all; Maybe she will throw the letter into the sea with the gun; Maybe she will study your diary in vain and spend the rest of her life.
She is still talking.
"I don’t know what to say to you. I’m angry and afraid that you brought us here. You have the opportunity to tell me what you know, but you didn’t. You don’t want to say I want to say rest in peace, but I guess you can rest in peace."
Then she left, but you miss her. After all, she is a real human being. Her words around you are stubborn but comforting. However, soon you will no longer miss it because your consciousness is further weakened, as if the ghost of your heart is unwilling to hide in the environment. You hear a faint and elegant music in the distance, and then your voice whispers to you again. Then you blend into the wind. Some strangeness seems to be paying attention to you. If it is not more focused and determined, it may be easily mistaken for a gas component. Is it also pleasant?
You rise from the calm lake and fly higher and higher across the swamp. In the evening sunshine, the ocean and the shore reflect flashing green light … However, you turn to the cypress forest and black water again and fly obliquely to the sun in rotation, then plummet, tighten your body and twist while staring at the rapid approach to the ground. Sometimes slowly swaying reeds, you may feel that Lori saw the lucky person of the first exploration team crawling to the border with injuries many years ago and heading for safety. However, in fact, a biologist walked back along the gradually darkening path … and waiting in front of her was the psychologist of the exploration team before the twelfth phase. He has changed and made bursts of moans. This is because your fault is irreparable and unforgivable.
You crossed an arc and turned back to the lighthouse. The air quickly approached the lighthouse and trembled from both sides of the lighthouse, and then reunited. It expanded like inquiry, jumped up and down, and finally circled around as if it constituted a question mark. So you witnessed your own sacrifice, a curled-up figure constantly leaking light. How sad it was. The image slept here and melted in a bunch of green flames, a distress signal and an opportunity. Are you still flying? Are you still dying? Or is it dead? You can tell
But the whisper still won’t let you go
You’re not on the ground
You are in the middle
The trial is still going on.
Pilot light
1 lighthouse keeper
Overhaul the lens parts, clean the lens, repair the water pipes in the garden, slightly repair a gate, tidy up the shovels in the work shed, and receive all kinds of tools. (SB&B) Members need to buy the daytime standard paint-the black paint on the sea side is eroded, and they need to buy nails. They need to check the whistle observation records in the west again. There are countless black mountain birds, three-toed snipes, crested terns, osprey, woodpeckers and blue cicadas.
In the winter morning, Saul Evans walked along the path to the lighthouse. The cold wind blew into the big collar. Last night, there was a rainstorm. The ocean was on his left. Through Sita Suosuo, the petrel swayed with the wind. Michael saw the gray waves rolling in the dim blue sky. After the storm, driftwood, bottles and faded buoys were washed to the coast. There was also a dead hammerhead shark wrapped in seaweed, but it did not suffer much damage here and in the village.
There are thorns at his feet, dense gray thistles, and in spring and summer, they will produce pink flowers. On the right is a black pond, where waterfowl and wild ducks mumble. The black mountain bird stops on the branches and bends the slender branches. When he passes by, they suddenly start up and then chirp together. There is a hint of flame in the pungent smell of fresh seawater, as if from nearby houses or smoldering bonfires.
Saul lived in the lighthouse for four years before he met Charlie. He still lives in the tower, but last night he slept in the village half a mile away and stayed in Charlie’s cabin. It was a new experience, but it was not agreed by language. When he was about to get dressed and leave, Charlie pulled him back to bed. Saul smiled awkwardly and accepted it.
When Saul got up, Charlie didn’t even move. He got dressed and cooked an egg breakfast. He also prepared a large portion for Charlie, and then covered it with an orange bowl to keep warm. Then he baked bread and left a note by the oven. When he left, he turned and took a look. Charlie stretched out on his back, half in the quilt and half exposed. Although Charlie was nearly forty years old, his trunk muscles were strong, his shoulders were strong and his legs were very strong. When he became an adult, he spent more than half of his life dragging fishing nets in a boatman, and his flat abdomen also said that he didn’t drink alcohol every night.
After the door clicked slightly and took a few steps, he whistled foolishly in the wind-thanks to his creator, he was so lucky, although a little late and unexpected, but some things were better late than never.
Soon, the sturdy lighthouse has stood tall in front of him. It is a daytime sign to guide the ship to sail in shallow water. However, according to the timetable of merchant ships in the open sea, it also lights up at half a night every week. He is familiar with every staircase, masonry walls, every house and every tiny crack. The lens group at the top of the tower weighs four tons and has its own unique characteristics. He can adjust the signal lights in hundreds of ways. This first-class lens group has a history of more than a century.
When he was a priest, Saul had understood the meaning of peace and destiny. However, it took him a year to find what he was looking for after giving up all self-exile. It took him a year to understand that Buddhism was extroverted and exported to the world by him and then received feedback from the world. However, looking after the lighthouse-it’s like looking at the heart and feeling more humble. Here, he focuses on what he learned from the former administrator, such as maintaining the lens group, such as accurately operating the ventilation duct and the lens control panel, such as maintaining the surrounding surface and repairing all damaged facilities-there are many routine tasks that make him think about the past in his spare time every day, so he is happy to do it and he doesn’t mind working longer hours sometimes-especially at the moment, he still remembers Charlie’s hug.
However, when he saw the car in the parking lot, he lost his aftertaste. There was a familiar and worn-out passenger and freight car around the white railing of the lighthouse, and next to it were two members of the scientific seance who often visited him. They quietly pestered him and ruined his good mood. They even piled up their equipment next to the car. He waved to them casually from a distance.
Nowadays, they are always measuring and taking photos nearby, dictating amateur movies to heavy recording equipment and eagerly looking for … what? He knows the history of this coastal area, and knows that silence at a distance will magnify the mundane wonders. Facing the fog, people on the beach will become bizarre and make up stories for no reason.
Saul walked slowly, because he hated them both and felt that their behavior was becoming more and more predictable. They traveled together as a group, so that they could be both scientific and mysterious. He sometimes pondered their dialogue-it must be full of contradictions, just like the debate in his mind at the end of the pastor’s life. Recently, these two people often visited. A man and a woman are both in their twenties. However, they sometimes seem to be teenagers who run away from home and buy chemical reagent sets and divination boards from the store.
Henry and Susan Sol represent superstition, but in fact she is a scientist-what subject? -and that man is in charge of investigating paranormal Henry’s accent. Sol couldn’t recognize where it was, but because of the accent, every sentence seemed to be stamped with prestige. He was fat, unlike Sol’s beard. He shaved his beard clean. There were some shadows at the bottom of his eyes. Black hair was like an upside-down bowl. Liu Haier covered his pale forehead, and his forehead was longer than ordinary people. Henry didn’t seem to care much about worldly things. For example, the winter weather changed little because of his dress. The basic reason was that a delicate silk blue shirt with a collar button and a pair of formal trousers with side zippers and black leather
Susan is like the so-called hippie nowadays, but when Saul was a child, such people were called communists or bohemians. She had blonde hair, embroidered white peasant jackets hanging over her knees, brown soft leather skirts and high boots, which formed her whole set. Sometimes people like this came to listen to the sermon when she was a priest. Living in a lost state in her mind seemed to be waiting for something to inspire her, which made her more like Henry’s twin brothers and sisters.
The two men never told him their last name, but one of them had a name similar to "Serenlie", which of course made no sense. To be honest, Saul didn’t want to know that they secretly called them "hussars" important and "light"
When he finally came to them, Saul nodded his head and said hello vaguely. They behaved as if he were a village grocery store clerk and the lighthouse was a public institution. If the twins didn’t hold a permit from the National Park Service, he would just shut them out.
"It’s a beautiful day in soldo, but you look unhappy," Henry said.
"Saul is really beautiful today," Susan added.
He barely nodded his head to show a woebegone smile, which made them generate laugh and he ignored it.
But when Saul locked the door, they continued to talk. He would rather they worked directly, but they always liked to talk. This time, the topic was "necromancy". According to his understanding, it was necessary to build a dimly lit room with many mirrors. This was an odd term, and he didn’t listen to their explanations. He felt that this lighthouse signal lamp had nothing to do with his life
People here don’t know it, but they are superstitious. But since the ocean can kill people, who can blame them? What’s the harm in hanging a lucky one on a necklace or praying for peace with relatives? Some busybodies try to find out why, just like Susan said, "analysis and investigation" attracts people’s disgust, because it will make the tragedy seem trivial, but just like annoying seagulls in the sky, you will soon get used to the "light cavalry", and he has almost learned to put up with them in the eyes of your neighbors, but you don’t know their own eyes.
"Henry’s function of recognizing signal lights is very similar to that of a room like that," Susan said as if it were a shocking and important discovery. In Saul’s view, her enthusiasm was serious and seemed to be too rash, lacking professionalism. Sometimes they reminded him of those priests who set up tents on the edge of town, except for their fanatical beliefs. Sometimes he believed that they were charlatans. When they first met, Henry seemed to say that they were studying the light refraction in their cells.
"Are you familiar with these theories?" Susan asked them to climb the stairs. She wore a camera with a neck and a box in her hand. Henry tried to hold back his breath and said nothing. He was struggling to carry heavy equipment, some of which were packed in a box, microphone, earphone, ultraviolet detector, millimeter film and several machines with knobs, dials and pointers on their faces.
"No," Saul said, mainly on purpose, because Susan often regarded him as an uneducated boor, and misunderstood him as straightforward. When he saw him casually dressed, his mind was simple. Besides, the less he talked, the more relaxed they were. Frankly speaking, he didn’t speak plainly, nor did she speak plainly. Henry said that they were studying the meaning of local "local customs", even though he spelled out all the letters.
"Biomass particles" Henry gasped but his tone was light. "Ghost energy"
Susan gave another long theory to show her support. When it comes to looking out of the mirror, it is easier to find the true face of something from the side than from the front. He suspects that Henry and Susan are lovers, and her sudden enthusiasm for mysticism may be due to some more secular factors, which also explains that they just laughed hysterically in the building. This is a mean idea, but he wants to continue to reminisce about Charlie’s spending the night together.
At last, he was fed up with jumping stairs one step at a time, while Henry and Susan were still trying to climb and soon disappeared from sight. When he wanted to be alone as much as possible, the government would force him to retire at the age of 50, but before that, he intended to keep in good health, although there were pains during the festival.
At the top of the tower, Saul hardly gasped, and the light room was the same as when he was away. He was satisfied that the mirror cover was still covered with the signal lamp to prevent wear and fading from the sun. He needed to pull the mirror curtain around the wall to let the light in, which was his concession to Henry. There were several hours every day.
Once at the top of the tower, he saw a huge object floating on the water like a dark gray shadow on the blue background. Even with a telescope, he couldn’t tell what animal it was. He wondered what it would be like if he kept staring at it. He still didn’t know whether it was that thousands of fish finally dispersed or the illusion of light and shadow on the water disappeared with the change of light color intensity. Even in the ordinary world, there will be a tension between what he knows and what he doesn’t know. Five years ago, it was difficult for him to face it like this. In his sermon, the world seemed to be full of miracles. However, now he no longer needs mysterious events. It will be a good story in the village bar, which meets people’s expectations for lighthouse keepers, although it is hard to say whether anyone really expects anything from him.
"In view of the historical origin of the lens group’s final arrival here and the two lighthouses, we are very interested in it," Susan said behind him. Obviously, Susan has been talking to him, although he was not here, and she seems to believe that he had reacted before. Although climbing stairs has become a routine, Henry is like a horse collapsing behind her.
Henry said, "This view is really beautiful" after the equipment was let out of breath. He always said that Saul had stopped giving polite responses and never responded again.
"How long will you stay this time?" Saul asked, this time has lasted for two weeks, and he has never dared to ask, fearing that the answer would disappoint him.